Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tax Breaks for the Rich = Trickle Down Economics = Doesn't work

This is going to short(er) and sweet -- perhaps bitter to some?

I understand that everyone wants a tax break. What I don’t understand is why people are defending raising taxes on the rich and leaving the other 98% of us with a tax break.


Let me provide two reminders:

  1. Remember how the government helped out some very troubled companies? Yes. Okay, do you remember what they did with that money? Let me think.... oh yeah, they fired people and gave their CEOs bonuses.
  2. Remember how we used to have a budget surplus at the beginning of Bush’s term? Yes. Okay, do you remember how we had a huge deficit at the beginning of Obama’s? Let me think.... oh yeah, we had higher taxes then.
I realize that many people are mad at Democrats for not fixing the economy, but what I can’t wrap my mind around is the blame that Republicans are shirking, as though we should let them run the country’s economy, one that went from a surplus to a deficit.

What Republicans are promoting now is that we should keep taxes low for everyone. Why everyone?

I don’t get that one.

When the rich have gotten money from the government, they haven’t created more jobs, so what kind of argument is it that we should give them more money (continued tax breaks)?

The truth is that many wealthy people pay less in taxes than what they say they do. They have more loop-holes. Don’t believe me? Well, it’s your job to prove me wrong.

I know... I’ve seen those charts and heard those arguments that show they pay more in total taxes, but have you seen the ones that show they continued to get richer during the current crisis while everyday people did not?

Start here:

If after reading this, you still think the rich need to have a continued tax break, then I don’t think you’ve really done your homework. Remember, I’m talking about the rich here, not most of the people reading this.

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