Thursday, July 30, 2009

What to do in this blog...

I have no idea what is supposed to happen in these blogs. In fact, this 2nd entry is my 4th attempt. I keep trying to imagine someone reading this and I'm worried I might over share!

The three previous entries (that don't really exist because I've typed over them) were over the health benefits of organic food (thanks to an article I read on the BBC), how Heidi and I are trying to get out of debt, and the other was just a bunch of this:

;alkdj fa;lkj ;lakjf d;laksjfd ;lak fj;alksdfj a;lkf
;lkajf;lkadsj f;laksjdf ;alskdf ;alskdf j;alksfdj a;lfkj
fa;ldkfja ;lksdfja;lskfj a;lskfdja;lfkdj a;lskfd a;lsfkj

Okay, so that last one really wasn't an entry, but I counted it as one because I actually typed into the little text box and then typed over it again.

The funny thing about this blog thing stuff, though, is that during the busiest times of the day I have what seem like hundreds of ideas running through my mind and I don't have time to jot them down. For example, today I thought about writing a book (because of prodding from some facebook users), I thought about whether or not we should get rid of our saltwater fishtank (it's a money pit; sorry to Fishy Business if any of you are reading this), and I thought about a fountain that I bought that I intend to set up some time..... oh goodness, there isn't any time.

I better go check my facebook to see what others are doing.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Beginning

Well, here is my first post ever to this blog. I've thought about doing this for some time, but I just didn't know what I would post. Actually, I knew what I wanted to post, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to actually say what I was thinking.

But, if you notice the title of my blog, it's fairly accurate of what I want to capture here: I want to capture those thoughts that are caught up in my mind, those that are constantly there, those that flit in and out, and those that are more spontaneous. And so, the topics will range from the personal to the public, from philosophy and religion to humor and wit.

It will be a way to catalogue what I have experienced in the distant past, what I have experienced today, and what I think I might experience in the future.

I hope to post daily, but I hope that it does not consume my day.