Sunday, March 7, 2010

An Onion Snack


The other day, a friend of mine tweeted that she had eaten some delicious onion rings. I don’t tweet, mind you, but I am on facebook, which is where I read her post. I replied to her post that a favorite snack of mine growing up was eating raw onions, doused with mustard, and wrapped in a tortilla. In fact, this was a favorite after-school snack of many of my siblings. I remember rushing into the house and rummaging through the fridge looking for something to eat.

I’ve posted here a snapshot of what I just had as an appetizer to my breakfast (sautéed onions and scrambled eggs) -- that very same after-school snack. I know it looks gross; I worked very diligently to make it look that way. It won’t change how much I like it.

What kinds of gross snacks did you or do you still enjoy?

Friday, March 5, 2010

MacJournal Software

So I downloaded a bundle of software from Macheist, who perhaps once per year offers 5-7 bits of software at deep discounts and who in turn donate the money to charity. In this software bundle comes MacJournal. I’m trying to figure out if it will work better than going directly to my blogspot on the net and produce entries through that. It seems too cumbersome to log in each time and manage all those buttons.

And so, I successfully created this blog and uploaded it in about 1 minute. No lie.

I think I’ll use this program from now on.

If you are an Apple user, consider the bundle -- the software is pretty darn good (they provide a preview) and your money is donated to good causes.