Sunday, June 13, 2010

Stepping Stones and little helpers

This morning after the kids and I ate a filling breakfast (eggs, biscuits, and gravy) and while Calixto was taking his nap, the girls and I spent a few hours piddling around outside.

The first thing we did was make stepping stones, which I bought for them for Christmas and had been promising to make every month since then. It was a messy enterprise and definitely takes a great deal of patience (on the part of the kids). I don’t have any finished pictures to post here because, well, the stepping stones are drying (undisturbed!).

We then went around back and planted a purple basil plant that we bought at SKY market, and upset a large ant hill -- ooops! -- the kids went scurrying.

Shortly thereafter, I decided to complete a deal that Heidi and I made about a month ago. The deal was that I would be able to get rid of the Henry’s Garnet, which in opinion is nothing short of showy weed, if I gave her $200.00 of spending money. The plant is invasive, so if you don’t mean to keep it everywhere, don’t plant it! I dug up more shoots from the front area and dragged the potted plants from the back to the front for the time being (I had to move them to dig out the shoots growing in the back!).

And now we are waiting on lunch: green beans and carrots that Anastacia helped arrange in the pan. I think she did a good job.

Next? Lunch and then some grading.


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